Tag: no recipe

Juneteenth with Edna Lewis

Juneteenth with Edna Lewis

I for one am pretty excited to start celebrating Juneteenth, a holiday I’d known little about until finally a critical mass of citizens rattled our collective malaise around systemic racism in America. One thing I know: I’ll be making something from The Taste of Country Cooking 

Quarantine Greens

Quarantine Greens

Onto this stage of culinary crisis, enter “quarantine greens.” Super-hero of the food world, this infinitely variable blend can keep you in fresh-ish greens for months. You may already have been making some version of this, maybe after seeing the New York Times beans with 

Just Plain Rice

Just Plain Rice

When did cooking just plain rice get to be so fraught? An ancient food, eaten in many of the world’s poorest places, people have been making rice for centuries. Wait, millennia. And they’ve been making it in circumstances that most of us (with indoor water 

No-Electricity Dinner

No-Electricity Dinner

No-electricity cooking at home is seldom planned, unless of course you’re undertaking some Scouts project in the back yard or live off the grid. Kudos to you, if you are/do. For most of us, most of the time, no-electricity cooking is foisted upon us under 

Socca, a Great Vegan Appetizer

Socca, a Great Vegan Appetizer

One of my favorite appetizers or snacks is a vegan street food from southern France called socca. It’s made with garbanzo bean flour, and although it looks like flatbread, there’s no gluten in it. Best of all, no recipe necessary! Here’s the formula: 1 C. 

Hearty Greens and Blue (Cheese) Salad – Fast Fall Foods 1

Hearty Greens and Blue (Cheese) Salad – Fast Fall Foods 1

Our fall days zoom on, shorter and shorter. Here’s a handful (in five installments) of super speedy foods – no recipe necessary, few (and flexible) ingredients required, quick to assemble, quick to clean afterward. That they’re healthy (pretty much) is bonus plus. Then, you can 

Quinoa Casserole

Quinoa Casserole

I had some quinoa in the fridge, leftover from a tofu katsu dinner I’d enjoyed a few nights ago. (Man, that was good!) So when I woke up wanting something hot and substantial for breakfast, I thought – why not stir up an individual quinoa 

Easy Curried Red Lentil Soup

Easy Curried Red Lentil Soup

This curried red lentil soup just happened despite my efforts to make more of an effort of it. It’s finally super easy, requires only one cutting board and one pot (out of which you can eat, if you’re that sort. I am.). It’s delicious with 

Zucchini Gratin a.k.a. Summer Squash Casserole, Grill-Friendly and Easy, Too

Zucchini Gratin a.k.a. Summer Squash Casserole, Grill-Friendly and Easy, Too

I wasn’t planning to make this, or any summer squash thing for that matter, but plans seldom affect what I actually end up doing. I’d gone to a small, off-day farmers market up the road from our place to pick up (or so I thought)