Tag: greens

A Bowl of Beans and Greens So Good

A Bowl of Beans and Greens So Good

It’s winter. And cold where I am. These are the days for warming bowls of beans… with a taste-bomb of spring green. Back in the growing days, I tried to “put up” small glass jars of pureed tender greens, kept brilliant by a layer of 

Quarantine Greens

Quarantine Greens

Onto this stage of culinary crisis, enter “quarantine greens.” Super-hero of the food world, this infinitely variable blend can keep you in fresh-ish greens for months. You may already have been making some version of this, maybe after seeing the New York Times beans with 

Hearty Greens and Blue (Cheese) Salad – Fast Fall Foods 1

Hearty Greens and Blue (Cheese) Salad – Fast Fall Foods 1

Our fall days zoom on, shorter and shorter. Here’s a handful (in five installments) of super speedy foods – no recipe necessary, few (and flexible) ingredients required, quick to assemble, quick to clean afterward. That they’re healthy (pretty much) is bonus plus. Then, you can