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Zucchini Gratin a.k.a. Summer Squash Casserole, Grill-Friendly and Easy, Too

Zucchini Gratin a.k.a. Summer Squash Casserole, Grill-Friendly and Easy, Too

I wasn’t planning to make this, or any summer squash thing for that matter, but plans seldom affect what I actually end up doing. I’d gone to a small, off-day farmers market up the road from our place to pick up (or so I thought) 

Trash, Garbage, Waste, Consider the Receptacle

Trash, Garbage, Waste, Consider the Receptacle

I started re-watching Dead Poets Society last night. It’s an old movie. So old that when Robin Williams’ character passes the trash bin for his lads to toss in pompous rules about poetry, the bin is (*gasp*) bare naked, nary a liner to be seen. 

Drink, Some General Remarks for a Pretty Good Kitchen

Drink, Some General Remarks for a Pretty Good Kitchen

I married a teetotaler, so I like to say that I drink for the both of us. But hey, I’ve also come to appreciate that those mocktails and juice mash-ups can be even more divine than… it’s hard to say, but the truth will out… 

Whey Out Yeast Bread to Bake or Grill

Whey Out Yeast Bread to Bake or Grill

What’s a person to do with whey, that pastel yellow liquid left over from making (yes-you-can!) blissfully delicious fresh ricotta cheese? I’ve just discovered the joys (read: ease) of making my own ricotta cheese. (Check out how you can avoid the disposable plastic tub and 

Shopping – Five Easy Ways to Go Easy on the Plastic Even in a Big, Normal Grocery Store

Shopping – Five Easy Ways to Go Easy on the Plastic Even in a Big, Normal Grocery Store

Shopping – Five Easy Ways to Go Easy on the Plastic Even in a Big, Normal Grocery Store Even when you’re shopping in a mainstream grocery/supermarket (i.e., not bringing your own containers to weigh and fill from bulk bins), you can reduce to (nearly) nothing 

Fresh Ricotta Cheese, You Can Make It, Plastics Free!

Fresh Ricotta Cheese, You Can Make It, Plastics Free!

It’s so easy to make your own ricotta cheese, and amazingly delicious, too that I can’t imagine ever again buying the plastic tub. There are a million things you can make with it to eat straightaway (smear on toast, sprinkle with cinnamon, add fruit); or 

Charlottesville August 12, 2017 Imagine a Different Day

Charlottesville August 12, 2017 Imagine a Different Day

Imagine. August 12, 2017. Charlottesville, Virginia. Imagine with me an alternative day. Early morning. The dawning sun eases its light down Water Street, the pedestrian Mall, Market Street. It’s quiet, as usual. But something happened overnight. Where there had been none before, banners sweep across 

The Trifecta of All-Natural Cleaning Agents

The Trifecta of All-Natural Cleaning Agents

Calling all special agents, cleaning agents, that is. At the front of the non-toxic, all-natural line-up: baking soda, vinegar, and rubbing alcohol. As of this morning, I might have to add Dr. Bronner’s bar of hand soap, too – a happy surprise – but more