The Lazy Girl’s Plastic-Free Food Storage Alternatives

The Lazy Girl’s Plastic-Free Food Storage Alternatives

Ah, leftovers, lovely lovely leftovers. I’m talking here in the widest, most general sense, from the sandwich half-eaten and the refried beans that didn’t make it to the pan of enchiladas to that tablespoon of chopped parsley you didn’t use for garnish and garlic clove 

Trash, Garbage, Waste, Consider the Receptacle

Trash, Garbage, Waste, Consider the Receptacle

I started re-watching Dead Poets Society last night. It’s an old movie. So old that when Robin Williams’ character passes the trash bin for his lads to toss in pompous rules about poetry, the bin is (*gasp*) bare naked, nary a liner to be seen. 

The Trifecta of All-Natural Cleaning Agents

The Trifecta of All-Natural Cleaning Agents

Calling all special agents, cleaning agents, that is. At the front of the non-toxic, all-natural line-up: baking soda, vinegar, and rubbing alcohol. As of this morning, I might have to add Dr. Bronner’s bar of hand soap, too – a happy surprise – but more